West Yellowstone based tour options

During our Ridge of the Rockies tour, we will have a rest day in West Yellowstone on 9/11/24 and a rest day in Jackson on 9/13/24. This gives you the perfect opportunity to see Yellowstone National Park and Grand Teton National Park. You can ride in the parks on your own, in small groups, but PAC Tour does not operate within either park, so make sure to review the both park’s rules & map to familiarize yourself where you can get food & water.

West Yellowstone & Jackson also have many different companies that run tours of the parks, most of the Yellowstone tours are divided into upper or lower. The upper tour will give more time in the mountains and steep canyons of Yellowstone, there is not as much wildlife or volcanic activity here, but the views are incredible. The lower tours will take you through most of the bubble pots, geysers, and hot springs, there are tons of buffalo and other wildlife in this section.

Most of the companies that run tours base their price on the size of your group - the more people you have, the cheaper per person it will be. A base price for this type is around $250. Listed below are the more affordable options from the company Yellowstone vacation tours below, and the best options in Jackson below as well. Sign up ASAP to guarantee a spot

Yellowstone Vacation Tours

Bus Tours

Tour of the southern loop by converted school buses approx $140.00 plus tax per person. Upper loop not available as of 1/21/24.

Contact them to check if upper loop is available.

Car Rentals

Renting a car or side-by-side is the cheapest way to see the park without pedaling

Car rentals start at $150 for a minivan and $160 for a Jeep (plus tax and fees)

Side-by-side rentals start at $330 for a 2-seater, $350 for a 4-seater

tour options in jackson


Bus tours out of Jackson, options for sunset or sunrise tours of Tetons 4hrs $189 or all day 8hr tour $350.

They also offer tours into Yellowstone 12hr all day for $400.

Other options for wildlife & birdwatching tours also available.

Car Rentals

Car rentals are on the outskirts of town in Jackson and will require a 3-4 mile bike ride to pick up your car, here are several options:

Jackson Hole Backcountry Rentals: Vans, SUV, & side by sides starting from $140 per day

Jackson Hole Jeep Rentals: Prices not listed

Jackson Hole Adventure Rentals: SUV & Jeep Rentals starting at $189